Creepy theme park video game
Creepy theme park video game

creepy theme park video game

Inside the airport there is bizarre symbolism everywhere. They say the sheer volume of dirt suggests that a very deep hole was dug beneath the airport. Many theorists have pointed out that the amount of soil is far larger than would normally be excavated during a construction of this type. These mountains are made from earth removed during construction of the airport. Surrounding the Blue Mustang are strange man-made hills of dirt. They completed the statue which now stands starkly in the desert landscape, starring with its glowing red eyes. Following the accident, friends of Jimenez continued his work. While in the studio, the head of the enormous statue fell on Jimenez, severing an artery in his leg killing him almost instantly. The 32-foot-tall, 9000 pound Blue Mustang statue was created by artist Luis Jimenez. Then there’s the intense horse statue that some say represents the Fourth Horseman of the apocalypse – death. While it’s easy to dismiss these theories as utter nonsense, there is some alarming evidence that suggests the legends may hold some truth.įirstly, if you look from above, the intersecting runways of the airport form a swastika pattern on the desert landscape. The rumours say that beneath the Denver International Airport is a gigantic doomsday bunker that is designed to keep only the purist of humanity safe from the apocalypse. Many believe the airport is a ruse-like facade whose true purpose is only known by America’s aristocratic elite. Since its construction in the early 1980’s, the Denver International Airport has been surrounded by conspiracy theories and creepy urban legends. The Denver Airport Conspiracy – United States Atlas Obscura Leaving everything behind, the radio host rushed to the studio to replay the previous night’s call. There on the front page was an article about a young family that had been run off the road by a truck, exactly like the story the night before. The next morning while having breakfast, the radio host glanced at the newspaper and went numb at what he read. The radio host laughed, assuming that he had been trolled, and continued the show. He paused for a moment, then said that he missed his wife and daughter but that it was for the best that they all died together. He swerved, crashing through the cement barrier of road, smashing into a grassy gully below. Terrified, the man tried to pull over to safety but this time another single headlight flashed in his rear view mirror. The light flicked to highbeam, blinding the man as it sped past once more, narrowly missing the car.īarely a minute had passed when the headlight appeared for a third time. Again, in the distance a single head light approached head on. Rattled, the man continued to drive down the road. He swerved, as an enormous truck flew past, the tail wind rocking the car. As it got closer and closer it looked like it was going to hit the car head on. a single headlight could be seen approaching at speed. He too felt drowsy as he drove along the black stretch of road. His wife and baby were sound asleep in the car. He said that he had been driving along a dark highway late at night. One night, a caller regaled his creepiest story. It’s said that a famous radio show in Malaysia in the mid 90’s received a call that the producers and DJ will never forget.Īt the time the radio station hosted a late night talk back segment that invited listeners to call in with their creepiest ghost stories. Speculation ran rife as people suggested that the masked person was a ghostly omen foretelling the tragic 1979 Luna Park fire. When the photo was released to the public, no one could identify the busker nor was he ever seen again. The entire Godson family were trapped and killed in the blaze. Later that night, at exactly 10 pm, a terrible fire ripped through the ghost train ride at Luna Park. The figure said nothing and walked off into the crowd. The family assumed he was a busker so they took the above photo. The figure placed a hand on the shoulder of six-year-old Damien. While waiting, a mysterious person dressed in a white cowhide mask with long horns approached the family. On June 9, 1979, the Godson family were waiting at Circular Quay for the ferry to take them to Sydney’s famous amusement centre, Luna Park. This photo is attached to one of Australia’s most pernicious urban legends. Masked Man, Circular Quay – Australia Daily Telegraph From the Denver Airport conspiracy to a ghostly call to a talk back radio show, we take a look at 5 creepy urban legends from around the world.ĥ.

creepy theme park video game

These are the creepiest urban legends from around the world.

Creepy theme park video game